Principles of Multi-Head Split Systems and Their Benefits

25 October 2022

All air conditioning systems in the market right now intend to provide proper cooling to rooms and spaces inside properties. But since properties have varying designs and may require specific cooling requirements, manufacturers have created and released various types of these systems to cater to the needs of different property owners.

One type of this system is the split system. Split systems are ideal for climatising specific areas of properties. They are known for separating components into two units, which allow them to run more quietly and efficiently. These systems also make it possible to install them without generating a huge hole in the wall. Another type of air conditioning system is the ducted refrigerated air conditioning system. These systems also boast two units. However, they utilise vents and ducts to effectively supply properties of their needed cool air.

But another type of air conditioning system that property owners may also want to maximise is the multi-head split system.

How Multi-Head Split Systems Work

Multi-head split systems are somehow similar to the functions and purposes of split air conditioning systems. The only difference between the two is the total number of indoor units. Split systems only work through one indoor unit and one outdoor unit. Multi-head split systems, alternatively, can connect multiple indoor units with one powerful outdoor unit.

The connection between the indoor and outdoor units is established through refrigerant lines, power cables, and condensate drain lines. Once these systems are operating, they would take the warm air from the rooms and spaces inside a property and transport it to the fan coil. Cool air is then sent to the property for optimal cooling. Alternatively, these systems can likewise heat the rooms and spaces during cold months through the reverse cycle.

Given the composition and working principles of the multi-head split systems, they are best fitted on properties with limited spaces.

Multi-Head Split System Key Benefits

Adding a multi-head split system can provide tons of benefits to property owners.

For one, it can lower power consumption. The use of multiple indoor units and an outdoor unit in cooling or heating numerous rooms cuts the need to invest in multiple split systems. And if property owners maximise one with inverter technology, the energy cost of operating the system is expected to be minimised as well.

Another benefit of adding a multi-head split system on a property is it can run silently for a long time. The operating noise of air conditioning systems can sometimes be annoying, especially if some people inside the property want to have some rest or concentrate on their work. Opting for a multi-head split system ensures that the rooms and spaces can be cooled without emitting too much noise. The temperature control of each indoor unit can likewise be done separately, which ensures that the rooms can maximise varying air temperatures.

Installation costs are also cut significantly with a multi-head split system. This system can be installed easily since it does not require the installation of ducts. Even the creation of a large opening on the wall for the indoor units is not needed, making its overall installation process easier than other types of air conditioning systems.

If you want to equip your property with a multi-head split system, do not hesitate to contact us at Light-On Electrical.

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