Best Practices for Underground Mains Installation at New Factories

07 March 2024

Underground Mains Installation

Unearth best practices for underground mains installation by Light-On Electrical for new factories. Ensure efficiency, safety, and reliability in these places.

Underground mains installation is a vital aspect of setting up infrastructure for new factories. To ensure the efficiency, safety, and reliability of these important systems, their installation must be planned and executed properly. With the help of Light-On Electrical, your new factory can carry out its daily processes without any issues for a long time.

When you opt for our underground mains installation services for your new manufacturing plant or factory, we make sure to conduct the following practices.

Conduct Site Surveys and Assessments

Before commencing underground mains installation, we first conduct comprehensive site surveys and assessments to identify potential obstacles, hazards, and underground utilities. This information helps us determine the optimal route for mains installation, reducing the risk of interference with existing infrastructure and ensuring efficient utilisation of resources.

Comply with Regulations and Standards

Adherence to local regulations and industry standards is important when installing underground mains at new factories. Regulatory requirements govern various aspects of mains installation, including depth of burial, material specifications, and safety measures. By complying with these regulations and standards, our Light-On Electrical team can help you avoid penalties, ensure worker safety, and protect the integrity of underground infrastructure.

Pick Suitable Materials and Components

Choosing the right materials and components for underground mains is essential to their longevity and performance. Some factors we generally consider include corrosion resistance, durability, and compatibility with surrounding soil conditions. Common materials we maximise for underground mains include high-density polyethylene (HDPE), ductile iron, and PVC as each of them offers unique advantages in terms of cost-effectiveness, flexibility, and resistance to chemical degradation.

Prioritise Safety and Mitigate Risk

Safety is highly significant during underground mains installation, given the potential hazards associated with excavation and trenching activities. We, therefore, implement robust safety protocols like proper shoring and trenching techniques, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and adherence to confined space entry procedures. All these practices help mitigate risks and prevent accidents on the job site. Moreover, we conduct regular inspections and monitoring of excavation areas to identify and address potential hazards promptly.

Carry Out Proper Installation Techniques

Proper installation techniques help ensure the integrity and functionality of underground mains. They include ensuring accurate alignment, proper joint assembly, and adequate compaction of backfill material around the mains. We strictly follow manufacturer guidelines and industry best practices to reduce the risk of leaks, failures, and service disruptions in the future.

Implement Quality Assurance and Testing

To verify the integrity and performance of underground mains before they are put into service, quality assurance and testing procedures must be all done effectively. Some methods we can employ are pressure testing, leak detection, and hydrostatic testing, allowing us to assess the structural integrity and watertightness of mains installations. By conducting thorough testing and inspection, we can identify any defects or deficiencies early on and rectify them before they impact your operations.

By conducting these practices, factory owners like you can ensure the efficiency, safety, and reliability of underground mains systems. Investing time and resources in the planning and execution of mains installation, as well as partnering with us at Light-On Electrical, can guarantee you a new factory with uninterrupted operations, minimised risks, and enhanced productivity for a long time.

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