Air Conditioning Services: Replace Traditional Air Conditioning Unit with a Multi-Head Split System

20 June 2023

Air conditioning systems are essential to properties as they help cool their rooms and spaces whenever the outdoor temperatures are high. Some models can even filter the processed air, making sure occupants do not get sick.

As a property owner, you may already know how your air conditioning unit works. But if you want to replace your traditional air conditioning unit, you may want to consider a split system.

Split systems are air conditioning systems comprised of two units, the outdoor and the indoor unit. The outdoor unit intends to release the heat obtained from rooms and spaces to outside, while the indoor unit provides rooms and spaces with their needed cool air. One type of split system that you can take advantage of is a multi-head split system.

How a Multi-Head Split System Works

A multi-head split system is a type of air conditioning system that takes advantage of an outdoor unit connected to multiple indoor units. It works by circulating refrigerant through a closed loop, which helps in absorbing heat from inside the building and transferring it outside.

Each indoor unit can be controlled independently, allowing for different temperatures and airflow settings in various rooms. This specific functionality is possible as each indoor unit maximises its own evaporator and expansion valve.

The working principles of a multi-head split system allow it to be ideal for homes and buildings with multiple rooms or zones that require individual temperature control.

Investing in a Multi-Head Split System

If you’re looking to replace your traditional air conditioning unit, you may want to consider a multi-head split system. Investing in this type of split air conditioning system can provide you with the following benefits.

• Increased Energy Efficiency: One of the benefits of a multi-head split system is it can save more energy than a traditional air conditioning unit. A multi-head split system that utilises an inverter technology allows it to adjust the compressor speed based on the cooling load, which results in more efficient cooling and reduced energy use.

• Better Flexibility: With a multi-head split system, you can conveniently control the temperature in your rooms or zones independently. It allows you to adjust the temperature suitable for the needs of each room or zone, rather than maintaining a consistent temperature throughout the entire building, which may not be comfortable for some people.

• Reduced Noise: A multi-head split system can operate quietly as its outdoor unit can be found and installed outside the building. Hence, you and others can enjoy a comfortable indoor environment without the noise pollution related to traditional air conditioning units.

• Easy Installation: Compared to traditional air conditioning units, multi-head split systems are often easier to install. They do not require ductwork, which means professionals can install their components much more quickly and less disruptive. It can also save some costs.

• Improved Air Quality: A multi-head split system comes with advanced filters that can remove dust, allergens, and other pollutants from the air. Once filtered, you can expect your property to gain improvements over its indoor air quality, which is significantly important for those with allergies or respiratory issues.

A multi-head split system offers several advantages over its traditional counterpart, including increased energy efficiency, greater flexibility, reduced noise, zoning options, easy installation, improved air quality, and cost-effectiveness. Just make sure to consult with a licensed HVAC professional to determine which system is best for your needs.

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