Top 5 Signs Your Electric Outlets Require Urgent Replacement

08 November 2022

Buildings can only run effectively if they are equipped with a fully capable electrical system. This system should maximise components that can provide power to various equipment and appliances. It must also utilise parts that can cut off power once issues have been detected.

One part of the electrical system that should be checked regularly is the electric outlets. Electric outlets allow the connection between equipment and the electricity supply by plugging the former in. Once plugged in, appliances and devices can now run as long as the supply has a continuous flow of electricity.

But as time passes, some electric outlets end up obtaining issues and problems that can only be fixed by replacing them. If your electric outlets manifest the following signs, you may have to replace them right away.

1. Failure to Work

When plugging in your appliances or equipment, electric outlets allow them to be connected to the power supply. Hence, they are expected to work. But if your plugged-in appliances or equipment do not work, you may have to check their system components. If they are still in good condition, the next thing that you should check is your circuit breaker. Once you have verified that it has not tripped, you must have your electric outlets replaced right away.

2. Plugs Falling Out

The plug of your equipment must stay connected to your outlet the entire time as it may trigger some electrical issues that can disrupt your daily operations. Now, if you notice that the plugs of your equipment and devices are loose and falling out, you may have to replace your electric outlets. Failure to replace them might only lead to spark and electrical arcing that can be dangerous to your property since they may cause a fire.

3. Melting and Burn Marks

Electric outlets do not receive that much physical damage if they are still in great condition. But once you have spotted some burn marks on their faceplate and the wall, you must stop using them and have them replaced immediately. You must also unplug any devices on your electric outlets once you have seen some melted parts of the outlets. Without doing these things, you might eventually see some sparks coming out of the outlets, which is not a good sign. Short circuits may also happen, which can cause danger to anyone around the outlets.

4. Smoke and Sparks

Now, if you see some sparks coming out of your plugged devices, you must stop using them immediately. The same thing must be done if you see some smoke from your electric outlets. These issues should be addressed by an electrician to prevent creating and triggering more electrical system issues.

5. Flickering Power

One more sign your electric outlets require urgent replacement is the presence of flickering devices and equipment. Some devices have to run for a long time to effectively maximise their functions. But if they keep on turning on and off, your electric outlets may not be able to keep up with the power demand due to wear and tear. They may also be outdated already, which may only cause damage to your equipment if they are used continuously.

Replacement of your electric outlets is necessary to keep your property safe. To have your faulty electric outlets replaced, you can contact us at Light-On Electrical.

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